Sunday, January 13, 2008

Signs of Spring in Seattle

I found this cherry tree blooming in my Capitol Hill neighborhood on December 9th. There are certain cherry trees which always bloom around this time of year in Seattle. I'm not sure why.

On December 20, the day before Winter Solstice, I found this forsythia in bloom. It was on the east side of a brick building. These plants that are right next to buildings which radiate the heat of the sun often bloom before anything else. Still it was surprising to see this sunny promise of spring so early in the year.


  1. Your blog is looking great. I love the new design.

  2. Hello Waverly- just wanted to give a shout out- I quoted your calendar on my blog-
    hope you are well- jodi rhoden (2006 summer course student)

  3. Anonymous12:35 AM

    This is a lovely blog. Wondering if you knew about ordering " King Cakes " online?
    Many bakers in N. O. will ship them almost anywhere. Haydels' cakes are really good !
