Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Pink Rain

This is one of my favorite times of the year. I call it the season of the Pink Rain, when the cherry petals drop and carpet the sidewalks.

The picture on the left was taken on April 28, when the sidewalks were peppered with petals like confetti.

The next two photos were taken on May 7 when the dusting of petals had become a carpet, filling the gutters with pink rain.

These last two photos were taken on May 14 and May 16 and show the heaps of petals covering parked cars and covering the surface of a decorative pool in front of an apartment building. The pink rain is almost over, alas!


  1. I always have loved the pink petals scattered against the steel gray of wet sidewalks.... but hadn't thought of calling it "pink rain" --- I like that!

  2. Maggie--
    I'm still debating about whether this is really the "pink rain" or the "pink snow" which doesn't sound as good but is more accurate perhaps of the soft quality of those petals as they fall and drift around.

  3. Oh I love that yours is still going!
    Lucky you...Xxx

  4. Wow that is really a lot of petals. I guess we have purple 'Jacaranda' rain here in San Diego.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    we no longer live in the Pacific NW-and i miss it- the pictures bring back lovely memories of Spring.
    i enjoy your website very much -
    even more now that i am so far away.
    thank you

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    hey Waverly, i like your blog-- the layout is lovely. (btw I have always been a fan of the thomas p-patch).
    I personally call the petal action "pink litter". I had a gallery installation years ago where i wanted to duplicate the litter-- i tried many different materials but cdnt create the color, lightness, soil resistance and realistic production times i needed. but anyway HUGE fan. thanks.
