Saturday, June 14, 2008

Iris Farm

These beautiful photographs were taken by my friend, Michael, who accompanied me on both my first and my most recent visits to Schreiner's Gardens just outside of Salem, Oregon.
We went on Mother's Day weekend this year and because it's been so cloudy and cool, most of the bearded irises were not yet in bloom. So most of the display iris in this area, were the dwarf irises, which I had never seen before. I wandered up and down the aisles smelling irises and found many new favorite fragrances.
There's also an area where you can buy plants. This photo shows me in the background in my "cat hat" (my daughter makes them) and a beautiful columbine in the foreground. I bought one like this for my garden.
Schreiners also has a beautiful iris garden where samples of every kind of iris are planted in rows and clearly labeled, so you can see how they grow. There's also a section (as shown in this photo) which was full of lilacs and rhododenrons in bloom. The last picture shows me in front of a magnificent yellow rhododendron.


  1. These images and words are gorgeous, Waverly. It's been a while since I was able to be here, life having dished out a whole bunch of "stuff" like another round of chemo and recently, a deceased computer.

    Whenever I visit here, I come away feeling refreshed, informed and soothed too - that is what good thoughtful blogging is all about. BB, Cate

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I know this is a little off-topic, but, Waverly, does your daughter have a website or something from which i could order a "cat hat" if i wanted to?

  3. I'm so glad you like the photographs, Cate. That's high praise coming from an artist of photography, like you.

    I'm also happy to see a request for the cat hat. I love my cat hat and wear it everywhere. I've passed your request along to my daughter and am encouraging her to create her own web site so she can sell them.

  4. Anonymous1:05 PM

